[Vwdiesel] Fuel 101 ----( Hagars Hydrogen and Heavy Water ).

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon May 30 11:39:06 EDT 2005

Jon Kenneke     sort of started me on this thread.  -----    

We all more or less agree that   Hydrogen is a good sort  of POWER   -----or if you like
a "Power Converter"   ---- to me it is a POWER   source. ------or a  source of POWER.

Read Lorens  --RANT  --- and by the way I agree with him if I understands him correctly.

We are ALL   using Hydrogen for a power source   -----the SUN   pure and simple ----
ok about 99.9%   -----    "Starpower" is involved. ---EH ?.

At Hagars lair the Heavy water was an unintended byproduct. -----   If   Loren had not
brought it up  ---I wonder if I would have found out. ?.

I was after Hydogen only. (and Oxygen).

For you total NEWBIES    let me explain why this is on the "Front Burner" right now ?

The dodo who does not know how to pronounce  "Neuclear"  (according to his cute wife)
put it on the front burner.----Wonder if he can spell Afterburner ?.

When you charge that  Rabbit battery   ---and it starts gassing ?    ---thats it ---you are splitting WATER
H2O  ----hydrogen and oxygen ---it is not steam  ---and it will explode ---right ? the battery will blow
like a bomb.

So to make Heavy Water  D2O ?  or Hydrogen and Oxygen ?   same procedure.-------pass a DC current hrough Water
and likkety split it splits ? --got it ?

The dodo  seems to not know that IT is NO answer to the FUEL crisis.(right now) ----Read Lorens rant.

IMHO   it may be the answer in the long run.

Yes I am for Kyoto  100%   and UN 100%  and Neuclear power 100%. ----and for good  OLD
american KNOWHOW. 100%.-------------so you see OLD Senile Hagar is NOT a   Negatory person. ?

How do I make  --Deutorium ?  --ie Heavy Water ?    --- As it turned out    light water plits a lot sooner
than Heavy Water   -----so at the bottom of the cell  ----it gets concentrated.

Where did Heavy water originate ?   ----hell if I know -----maybe the  socalled BIG BANG   ----
I like to use that pun on our resident nuke expert --GARY BANGS  ---wow    what a name EH ?.

How do I make the Cells for separation ?    -----A big glass Primary Battery container  ----is best
BUT anything will do ----like a BIG Edison cell.     The secret is what to use as an electrode
and Electrolyte.   ------------   I use   Potassium   Hydroxyde solution  ----I get the flakes in  50 lbs bags
Like Rice I think it says made in China. Any conducting solution will work.   ---Try Table salt ?

You will need to divide bubbles   to two outlets   ---one for oxygen and one for  hydrogen..

I use LOW Voltage right now ---48 Volts  ---but only for safety.       48 Volts   100 Amps.

Loren may not know that we both sit on top of  pools of Heavy Water ?     But  Lorens
Appleblommsom Paradise and Hagars   Tarpaper Shack    was at one time covered bu the same ICE
cube     10 000 feet thick.  ----When it melted the Heavy Water wound up in underground
aquafers   ------I get the water from 300 feet down   ----lots of heavy stuff in that water.

About   40 ml    per 2 Tons of Water. ---------  remember for me it is a BY-PRODUCT    it is cheap
to buy   at a chemical supply HAUS.--------very cheap.   BUT   for a  DIY ? very   very expensive..


PS :      Do I hagar have right  ?   the sun is a Hydrogen reaction ?  ---if so then Loren is
100% right.

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