[Vwdiesel] 93EV - tranny shot?

rOLf peCHUkas rbp at 4u2bu.org
Wed Nov 2 10:05:20 EST 2005

thanks for the links and suggestions
this is a 93 Eurovan with the 02B manual tranny
the gate rod comes forward from the shifter to the tranny and tees into 
left and right ball joints
the right (passenger side) ball is housed in a bushing in a bracket
it is this bushing that has failed
the ball is no longer held in the bracket, hence the floppy shifter and 
lack of gears
I have made a temporary repair with baling wire, lashing the gate rod 
to the bracket to hold it in place (I need to drive 2 hrs today to 
teach a class)
this fix is working in the driveway, anyway
I have 5 gears + reverse again
I also ordered a linkage repair kit that should have all necessary 
fittings including this bushing
will mail back if I can't figure out how to put it back together
thanks again
rOLf peCHUkas
CAMbridge, MA

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