[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 236 ---- ( the Wizard von OZ ? )

Sandy Cameron scameron at compmore.net
Mon Nov 7 19:16:54 EST 2005

At 08:46 AM 11/7/05 -0800, you wrote:

--something rotten in the state of Denmark ?   nah nah the blue is getting
>ripe --that's all.---- 

Blue cheese

Carlsberg beer?

Herring sandwiches on black bread?

Now that's food!


>Sandy Cameron  1.29 pr litre ?  and a super day ?   I think I will
>drive by your friend on 101.
>What is diesel in Stittsville  these days ?  
---I can almost see you grin out there.   

89c/L diesel, minus Canola  dividend equals 44.5c/L


> If my Danish girlfriend had one of those
>disputed Amerikan  "T"  shirts ?  It would say THESE and BRAINS too.-

Wet T shirt contests

---NO Danish ever missed a meal in public in my time. Out came that boob and
baby was fed --NO  MATTER WHERE.---to this day I still relish those memories
(mammaries?)---in a sense those Viking Maidens --set the course for 2005

Baby food


Hagar has got his nitro ballanced and hits the road laughing.

Take kare old man, enjoy what's left...........and the mammaries


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