[Vwdiesel] Fw: Citric Acid

LBaird119@aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Wed Nov 9 16:28:12 EST 2005

In a message dated 11/9/2005 12:48:31 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk writes:

> Foam flaps? Does that apply to PassatTDi's too? Audi's? Ah well another
> reason to stick
> >with my 'Q's... My my;  here's a collector no wonder they're getting
> scarce
> >over on your continent.... The vehicles look like they are in a field.

  Foam seals at the sealing surfaces of the flaps.  Plastic flapper, plastic 
box.  Where the flapper meets the box there's a ridge but for a good seal 
and no "flomp" sounds, the ledge is covered in a self stick foam.  Re-did 
Dad's pu while I had it out.  Used some nice, dense foam I picked up at 
Boeing Surplus.  :-)
  Silly Jetta has a bleed hole in the flapper that dumps quite a bit of air 
the defrost while in the floor position (A/C type controls).  Manual (non 
controls don't have it.  Annoying for me because it dries my eyes something 
terrible.  I either keep it on the mid vent level or throw a jacket or the 
windshield sun blocker over them.  :-P  Don't wanna tear it all out just to 
some duct tape over that hole (or replace the flapper with a non-vac 

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