[Vwdiesel] Cracked Injector housing / Hard start

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Mon Nov 14 12:06:47 EST 2005

You didn't say if it runs or not, and how big?
Timing of injection pulse is early?
Try starting with the CR on and see if the firing time is audibly wrong,
sort of like ether lock..

Pull the injectors and see if it spins over freely- bad bearing could be a
suspect and that would indicate a bad spot on the ring gear too... where
drag increases with load.

Weekends aren't supposed to be fix fests?
Hmmm. What am I missing?
-James (hasn't been fishing in years)

-----Original Message-----
From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com]On
Behalf Of Val Christian
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 8:30 AM
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Cracked Injector housing / Hard start


Working on a non-VW diesel Sunday, I found an engine which didn't turn over
very well.  It would stall out, while cranking.

First, I found a cracked case for the injector (a one-banger).  Replaced the
injector, and idle operations worked better.

Next, on the starting problem, I checked the battery.  OK.  Checked the
OK.  Checked the starting current with an inductive meter.  73 amps when
cranking.  >200 amps (off scale) when stalled.  I don't know why it's

The engine is relatively new.  The oil is at the right level, and looks OK
for the few hours on this oil change.  There is a compression release, but
that appears to be OK, and was not used for starting.  I'm still gathering
data.  Not knowing better, this looks like a hydraulic lock, which of course
it probably isn't.

Weekends are becoming fix fests, and they are not particularily satisfying.
I'm still wrestling with the wheel bearing problem I've written about.
I had a (non diesel) minivan with a thermostat failure.  Found the
failed due to metal fatigue, and was in parts and pieces in the V-6
engine.  I think I got all the parts out.  In the far removed from topic
category, I found that a tile shower has a membrane failure (the lead
foil pan), which has resulted in a chuck of drywall being removed from my
kitchen ceiling.  (Significant other is REAL pleased with that.)
Every weekend it's at least two major repairs of something.  I need to
retire, take my 91NA, and go fishing.

Any ideas on the starting problem, fire away.


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