[Vwdiesel] On the T of the OT T

Mark Shepherd mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk
Sat Nov 19 07:13:10 EST 2005

I think its about time we dropped this:
I'm sure if Dan was worried about the content then he'd have stepped in
long ago. As it is this site remains predominantly on target which is a lot
better than most other forae. In any event the site is successfully self
regulating and proof being that Hagar excommunicated himself in response to
those who were quick to stick the knife of vengeance in and then the group
of subordinates rushed to tweak the handle...

No one could argue with the generosity of Hagar if they called for help; I
personally think the benefits out weighed his somewhat profound feelings
about the state of the world. An old sage who is in poor health (self
inflicted or otherwise) sometimes says things that are regrettable.
 I know this as my wife works on an elderly care ward and tells me all the
time how kidney/liver infections affect state of mind and produce profound
 I for one shall miss him and if he was as devoted to the crew as he
claimed then this sudden dumping could  have been catastrophic....

If we find him hanging from a tree; my hands will be clean!

As for Loren; maybe he wanted to leave anyway.  It will be nice if he comes
back after all; if it was just Hagar, then his demise has removed the
barrier of return...
Remember however thin skinned some people claim to be we all shed skin all
the time.


----- Original Message -----
From: James Hansen <jhsg at sasktel.net>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2005 3:26 AM
Subject: RE: [Vwdiesel] OT just use the delete key

> It really hasn't been much of a problem until lately Steve.
> This crops up every blue moon or so, but I wouldn't sweat it.  In the
> the very nature of the diesel list has been good neighbors helping one
> another, sharing tidbits, usually entertaining digressions of one type or
> the other, but mostly automotive diesel related things. The latest off
> stupidity may land diesel out on it's ear, and I wouldn't blame Dan
> of webspace) one bit.  All that crap about pushing the OT envelope and
> is just silliness that is way beyond rude, and hardly inviting to anyone
> new.  I would not be surprised one bit if a condition of staying on Dan's
> space were to appoint a  moderator to deal with things before they get
> out of hand like it has.
> Apologize to your friend for me (us) Steve.  In normal times, there has
> no better place to glean information and tricks that can be used to keep
> your diesel alive in the long long long haul.  The experience and
> here varies from rocket scientists to poets, and everything in between,
> all gearheads of some form or another that have a common interest or two.
> For many of us, in a reply you will never find the words "go search the
> archives" because quite frankly, we are all learning as life goes on, and
> what we did ten years ago, has changed in light of more recent
> Troubleshooting hasn't really changed that much, but the fix may have.
> is, we may have tried one fix, worn it out, and discovered a better way
> do it last week. Don't be afraid to ask.
> -James
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