[Vwdiesel] water pump

mikitka mikitka at earthlink.net
Sat Nov 19 22:11:36 EST 2005

VW diesel IDI water pump on a 91 jetta, no problem, came off really easy, I
think I had it off in, what 2 minutes maybe.   Oh did I mention that was the
first time I ever took one off as well. I don't see the big problem.

Did I mention the engine was out of the car in my car port with nothing else
on it but the water pump?  It was when I pulled the engine out to rebuild it
and the water pump was the last thing I think I took off it.

Didn't mean to sound bad, just wanted to lighten up the forum some.  Yes I
can see it being a pain because I had to fix, what I thought was an o-ring
leak where the pump mounts to the block after I had gotten it all together
and running. I had a small antifreeze leak. So I had to pull the pump and
put, what I thought was a bad 0-ring, a new o-ring on. I worked it for a
little while but didn't have all the right tools and just said the heck with
it and pulled the IP anyway. I can see it being done with the IP still on
but with AC it is a little harder with out the S shaped wrenches. Not to
mention I have large hands and that is kind of a tight fit for me and I
thought rigging the nozzle area control on a General Electric J-79 jet
engine was a pain.

-----Original Message-----
From: vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com [mailto:vwdiesel-bounces at vwfans.com] On
Behalf Of Val Christian
Sent: Saturday, November 19, 2005 8:34 PM
To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] water pump

I've changed quite a few water pumps on NA diesels.  Without AC it's
pretty easy.  With AC it's OK, just allot of wrench slinging to get
the AC bracket off.  I never did it taking the IP off, and even when 
changing the belts.

On quite a few cars I've been able to get the pump off without 
pulling the pump housing.  As I recall, it's a matter of having the
right 10mm wrenches and flex sockets.  Seems to me that worked
on most of the NAs that I've worked on.  

On the VW diesel, the water pump is a real pain, and it's in a real
pain location.  But there are trades.  On most of the VW IDI diesels,
the altenator is easy to get to.  (Bets are off on the camper/vans.)

Val "still fixing broke things"

> I changed 2 pumps in my 85 and 86 1.6na. a real pain. One time I removed
> e
> injector pump, ok if you need a belt anyway maybe. Second time I got some
> shaped wrenches and wrestled the AC bracket off and got it changed. A half
> a
> day either way.
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