[Vwdiesel] Is this thing on?

Scott Kair scott3491 at insightbb.com
Sun Nov 27 13:38:35 EST 2005

Lee wrote:
>>Obligatorydieselcontent: Who'se going to make biodiesel out of the
leftover peanut oil from frying a turkey, or out of the fat drippings?

    We have a tentative go on using it for a dual-fuel project at work,
since it's free.  Our lane-striping truck is powered by an Isuzu TD, and is
an ideal platform for a straight WVO experiment.  It's used only in warm
weather, and requires brief roadside stops to configure and de-configure
from transport to painting mode and back. This would add only one extra
valve to the ritual, and ensure use in a warm engine.  Fuel lines, valve,
and Cat filters would come from vehicle maintenance stock; tank is an
outboard boat tank retrieved from the garbage and mounted on the bed. 

    Pre-filtering is an issue.  It can get pretty nasty if used on multiple
turkeys.  Boss also wanted assurances that using it would prevent striping
over dead possums.  :)

    Scott Kair

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