[Vwdiesel] My Worcester Sauce Quantum.

Mark Shepherd mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk
Sun Nov 27 17:51:53 EST 2005

This is just a report on the state of this 'new' car.
I fixed the noise in the back. It was the rear seat lock! I knew these can
rattle and had checked it several times by shaking. These faults usually
stop when rear passenger leans back.
 Found it by bouncing the car vigorously; whilst I was scrutinising the top
of the rear strut. It stopped when I pulled the seat forward so I could
rest my fingers  on the strut easier whilst rocking the car like a mad
man!. So I fixed it with a few turns of  insulation tape. But...

New problem discovered at first complete fuel fill up... This car only does
about 36mpg [imp] What's that US ? 30 ish? Crap!!
This car starts literally on 1st turn down to -3 deg C  and does not burn
oil as  such. Does not smoke even at night. Turbo spools up quickly. Other
car did 45 to 50 mixed driving; with 60 at best on a run. That did have a
cloth air filter and had the larger 5 cylinder gasser exhaust.
The other car began life with similar economy  until I reset the timing and
tuned it to my needs.
I shall endeavour to check the timing this week.

Because the rear part of the chassis is rusting away I'm already looking at
another. This one has minimal rust apparently but He's holding back parts
such as roof bars and spare lights; but if I could get it for less than
$100; and the 1.6 gasser engine could come out and one of my diesels drop
straight in...



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