[Vwdiesel] Radiator Parts Help Question

mikitka mikitka at earthlink.net
Tue Nov 29 05:21:07 EST 2005

I don't know the difference between the two, but when I got my 91 ECO it was
over heating, at least I thought so and put a new radiator in it. I didn't
have all the connections to VW parts as I do now and just went to the local
radiator shop that has been in business for what looks like 60 or so years.
They hooked me up with an exact replacement. Mine also has AC. Don't ask me
what the part number is because like a dummy I never wrote it down. I was
just happy I got a new radiator. Then come to find out it wasn't bad in the
first place, it was a blown head gasket.  Live and learn.  


My 91 Jetta NA, with air conditioning, has a leaking radiator tank.  As
near as I can tell, with the system pressurized to 18#, and cold, it's
three slow leaks from the right side of the tank.

The last radiator I put in was a VW 191 121 253A

I've bought several radiators, all purported to fit, none are right.

Autohauz has a radiator which is a 191 121 253AZ.  Can anyone tell me the
difference between the A and the AZ suffix?



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