[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 224 ---( Amerikan education )

william thompson thecraftedcow at comcast.net
Sun Oct 2 16:54:04 EDT 2005

No, it was not friendly incoming fire. You are detached from reality. What 
is so pathetic, is that you believe sincerely you are right. You are not 
even close on your views of education just needing more money.You are so 
unaware of what goes on in public education that you are  dangerous. Your 
mind is like concrete.. it is all mixed up, but unfortunately hard set. Your 
comments of the Nazi and Communist Party as being okay are beyond belief. 
They were wrong from Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto...wrong in 
theory and wrong in practice.

Education Colleges are not concerned about creating teachers who know 
content.. it is about social engineering.  George Bush is hated by the NEA 
because he believes every student should meet standards, and so should the 
teachers. Individual accountability.

Keep your comments about educating people to fixing VWs, please.   Schools 
of religious orientations are paid for by private money.  The public system 
is based on money grabbing....not because it is needed, it is seen as a way 
of getting more. Little to no research goes into determining  beforehand, or 
after, the effectiveness of the programs which have been bought with 
taxpayer's money. There is no such thing as Government Money.There is only 
money collected by the government, and doled out to those who will vote to 
keep the money givers in power.

No, Hagar, no!  Not friendly incoming. Your views of how humans should be 
allowed to brutalize other physically or mentally for twelve or more years 
is showing how ignorant you are. Much data collected shows school killers 
sick and tired of being picked on and not defended by people who refer to it 
as "the great experience" so, they even the playing field. Best education is 
kids learning They do not have to stand for anyone abusing them and there is 
a way to get it to stop without having to kill someone to get their 
attention.    You have no HUMBLE  opinion, you have great pride in your 
comments. You are
so off-base about Home Schooling. Students are academically, socially more 
well equipped . Compare test scores, work records,name an area of 
accomplishment and compare h/s vs p/s and you will find out who looses. 
Dating in school is good training for getting divorced.

  We in America do not want the moral rot that was caused by Denmark's great 
educational experiment and causing the crime rate to go down because many 
things were no longer classed as illegal.

Hagar does not understand NO CAR is using less fuel than one that gets even 
55 mpg.  Many, many people in inner city poverty do not need Hagar's type of 
education about VWs. They cannot afford dr license, and registration or 
insurance. They have no place to park car where it will not be vandalized or 

Go read about Rudolf Steiner and Waldorf schools.

I am off the list as soon as my unsubscribe kicks in.
I have all the droppings I need with 5 equines (3 donkeys- a paint mare and 
a Bashkir Curly)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "H . Hagar." <h_hagar at prcn.org>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 02, 2005 9:36 AM
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 224 ---( Amerikan education )

> Please take this to the wart list, this is a forum for cars, Hagar.
> -james
> Hagar sez :..Thank you James Hansen.   ---   You are filthy RICH and Hagar 
> is filthy RICH
> so it does really not affect us. ( Kanada )  the tax was to pay for 
> Katrina  in the USA.
> My intention was to show the have not so much --how to recover by driving 
> a Rabbit or
> Jetta ?. ---and tell them ---do NOT give up --- the way of the DIY is the 
> way.  -----I
> call it MY amerika ( USA)-----for a lot of reasons.  --(ALL GOOD).    ----  
> I was trying to
> help those Amerikan friends who lost the House lost the JOB---a good way 
> to get up and
> trucking again.--- I have a Danish friend at lake Conroe Texas  --all he 
> lost was a few
> trees.----now for my friends in New Orleans ?  --I have NO information so 
> far
> BUT   ---whatever ---Education is important ---and this forum is ALL about 
> educating how
> to fix and run a VW Diesel.    -- I am for a fully funded WELL FUNDED 
> public system --NOT
> a Balkanized mess of Religious and money-grabbing systems---.
> There was a LOT of friendly incoming fire here in Hagars lair---wow --I 
> must been doing
> something right ?.
> In Kanada  ( BC )  home schooling is allowed --a disaster IMHO -- I 
> visited a woman's home
> some time ago -----poor kids say I , they will never have the great 
> experience of a bloody
> nose in the school yard.--------NO bullies no LOVE affairs ---what a 
> waste. --Best
> education is learning how to get along with other kids IMHO.-----I thank 
> the LORD for
> being born in Denmark when I was --1932 ---that was Denmark's finest hour 
> as far as PUBLIC
> education is concerned. IMHO.
> To find the money for education ? in the depth of the worst depression 
> years
> -WOW  --some smart Danes was in charge somewhere. Say I.----In Denmark 
> students were
> marched off to the dental clinic for regular checks and FILLINGS  at NO 
> charge.---during
> the war the school showers were open one day per week ---at NO 
> charge ---wartime hot water
> was a valued commodity. --I do salute all those Amerikan teachers who 
> tried so hard --but
> was frustrated by the NO corporal punishment do gooders. --IMHO   a part 
> of a good
> education comes from a sore --very sore (in my case)  BUTT.
> Hagar.
> PS :   yes I am a Yankee loving Dane--NO excuses.
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