[Vwdiesel] Topic limited, or people enabled? And Wheel Bearings.

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon Oct 3 09:32:27 EDT 2005

If you get this, you have been moved to a new list,
vwdiesel at audifans.com, and should have gotten a canned message on moving
your subscription.
Due to spam, we had to do a shotgun upgrade, but I think you'll
eventualy find that this new interface is much better and will allow for
easy access to the archives (old ones will be rolled in shortly).
Email me with any concerns.  Thanks.
dans at audifans.com
(written January  2002)  Dan Simoes.

The question is whether this list is topic limited, or participant limited.
In other words is the list the creation of a community, or is it limited
to topics strictly within the bounds of the stated charter.

Beats me.

Hagar has been an OLD flyboy rascal since first solo in 1953  ---what do RASCALS do
  --they stretch the envelopes ---And James Hansen is correct -- shit I have to admit.
That about 50% of my ramblings belong on Eurodiesel site. ----.  Dan Simoes owns this site
and he very kindly let us do our thing   and under the good leadership  of Loren ---things
have gone absolutely super IMHO....We have no moderator (topic Gestapo)----so all in all
topic was in variance with Dan Simoes instructions  with the tacit agreement of the
majority here ATMU.

A few words for NEWBIES who just dropped in :   If you have any questions related to
fixing or operating an older non TDI  VW  diesel car.---you will find all ALL the answers
right here in the archives. And if you cant find it ? --ask Loren.

And lets talk about the OT  bonus --Ja ?  ---  if you like Hagar missed out on University
?  --this place has a good Physics and Materials -- lecture section.  Lecturers like Doyt
Echelberger (professor emeritus) and Materials by James Hansen (Blacksmith)   and a lot by
me Horrible Hagar the Rascal. (flyboy emeritus)-------and a great number of others ---Val
Christian  ..is a great help to me personally.---Yes I am an EDUCATION  fanatic. So if
Hagars lair got a doze of Katrina --one of the worlds most diverse libraries would be
destroyed. ( Attic is full of boxes with sriptures) -collected over 73 years.
If you got this far ?  --then you may understand why I am known as a rambler --


PS :  say RANT   ---say Ranter?   OK  --oink? ---it is in me.--yes Siree.
And by the way I Hagar was told that Silver was the best conductor of heat many years
ago ---in this forum I learned that Diamonds conduct about five times better ? --I am
doing tests on my diamonds right now.
stay TUNED.

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