[Vwdiesel] Amerikan Schooling
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon Oct 3 15:57:17 EDT 2005
Wow Hagar, and I thought my Phantasmagoria post was giving you static.
I'll be continuing a low profile. Doug
As a flyboy ---- Phantasmagoria ? --I never took any offense ---and to be
frank ---William A Thompson ? ---he is ok --just a bit HOT under the collar. --- Let
Bill cool down a bit and he may even get to a point where he understands a bitti bit of my
point of view--- I read every word he sent me PM ---good or bad----as a matter of fact I
am still reading --He is a good writer.---He should be he said he was a School
Teacher----He bloody better be.---I flunked English ---in style. ---BUT true to the Hagar
spirit ? ----I was offered a job --requiring English ---off to the Library --The
fantastic public one ALL tax paid for and got a book ---three men in a boat --or something
like it (England) --and the total amount of vocabulary was 300 words-? --yes that is ALL
you need to get a date in London England. I got the DATE and I got the JOB.---go figure ?.
Why do I like a Guy like Bill ? ---simple --I like his PASSION his commitment -- and he
say it like he sees it IMHO.----even to the point of scooting. ? that is commitment.---I
PRAY he STAY.----OK OK I will beg him to stay.?. ---If he takes off ? I will feel
guilty ---and that is not a good feeling. To please him I will leave any time he wants me
to --THAT is commitment ? Jah ?.
To the non flyboys ? --a FUR BALL is a Cat fight or a Dogfight if you like ---It is used
a lot in Amerikan Lingo.
And YES OLD Hagar is a feisty old fart ---was born that way.---too late to make him a
Peace -nik now.
Most of the FIRE coming my way WAS Friendly ---Thank you Lord.
I think I am due for a session with my Literary Guardian Chuck Carnohan---? I think so.
He usually sets me straight.
Dan Simoes said General discussion ? --right so that covers a lot of territory. And Old
Hagar will stretch that envelope to the MAX---read my lips.
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