[Vwdiesel] 1.9 re-engine

Justin and Chelly Bennett cjb at midrivers.com
Tue Oct 4 00:36:48 EDT 2005

Good.  I might have a home for the '81 p.u. then.  A friend of my 
neighbor stopped by and wants just the body and the 5 speed.  He had 
bought a Canadian spec diesel golf with a blown tranny and was told that 
it took a different tranny then a U.S. spec Golf.  He isn't sure what 
the displacement is, but thinks it is a 1.9.  Hope he buys it.  I need 
the money for the diesel Samuri.

>Yep, bolts right up:
>	http://www.4crawler.com/VWpickup.shtml#Engine

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