[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 227 ---( saving private Hagar )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue Oct 4 10:32:32 EDT 2005

Thank you guys from the bottom of my HEART  (a pun)   --- I am humbled ,honored and very

In typical Hagar bungling I missed the fact that we have TWO   William Thompsons---I
apologize to William A Thompson for thinking HE would aim that Bofors at Hagars Rabbit.

I crawled in to my Foxhole  ---and was not coming out for nothing. ----Then I got a PM
from a member that I highly respect--- Hagar is back on his feet and ready for ACTION.

Bunny Bondo gets an extra Candle today--- I am the one who drove on part Candle Wax for
I buy it BULK.----Paraffin Wax is great food for a Rabbit---trust me.---and cheap.

Newbies read Fuel 101   and diesel fuel 101.


PS :  hagar is no fair-weather friend   and  I am glad to see most of you show good mature
And Mark Shepherd I never ignored ANY of your promulgation's --no matter how crazy----

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