[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 228 ---- ( Let the Fur fly ) day TWO.

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed Oct 5 12:53:55 EDT 2005

Well we got through the NIGHT ---but I Hagar got next to NO sleep.
In the morning we have a meeting and Doyt reports that we are running out of FUEL ---and
the water is still rising.

Sandy say he is working on getting more fuel --and I Hagar has no doubt that HE will find
We call in the Hospital Staff----and ALL agree this is a major Catastrophe---a class A1
emergency---we must use plan B and NOW.
Everybody is in agreement---use plan B and NOW.
Sandy and Hagar knows about communication systems and we pull out ALL the stops ---this is
the time to call for help ?.-----BUT   ?   NO phones , NO Cellphones  ,NO nothing .? we
are in a tight spot --See " Brother where arth thou ?  This is NO hayloft on fire this is
a Hospital drowning.---BUT would the trio leave ? --and not fight to the end ? never would
we leave that Maternity ward or the old intensive care people --to fend for
themselves -NEVER NEVER NEVER --that was NOT an option. So we decided to do a ---Maximus
Operandus --Plan B. ----Stay TUNED.

Hagar .

PS :  yes we had to evacuate the lower floor to upstairs ---that was a piece of Apple
Pie.--no problemo.
Doyt is still getting us MINIMUM power so we do have some time.And Sandy is getting ready
for raiding school Buses for more fuel.---and I Hagar is working like crazy wiring things
like AC's and dialysis machines---using Band Aids to insulate splices ?   bet your butts.
Not to forget Doyts wife --WOW she put on a nurses uniform --and get out of way boys.--or
get kicked in the ---eh ok.

Why are female nurses so much better than Males ? ---simple it in the genes they have that
protect the young--the most powerful force in the animal world.---Females have the
kids --? eh ? Ja ?  men do NOT.

She made Hagar empty a lot of bedpans --when I was not splicing wires.---cant say I like
the smell---remember the temperature is about 110F inside the Hospital ?.---I did it and
if Doyts wife say DO? Hagar does --read my lips.--She owes me a LONG slow wienna Waltz one
of these days.--and I mean cheek to cheek.
Day three on the way.

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