[Vwdiesel] HELP getting rear doors open

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed Oct 5 16:19:17 EDT 2005

ANY ideas will be greatly appreciated, and magical incantations will be
considered. I'd like to get those doors working by this evening. It is a
grand day and I'm working in my driveway. Tomorrow it gets chilly and may rain.

Doyt Echelberger

Doyt for Magic ?  ---you can always count on Hagar --- For the VW doorlock system?   it is
about as BAD a the Elektrikal system----BUT we overcome.----don't we ?   ---Gavrik
Peterson ---was one smart guy on VW doors  IMHO-----he came here and in NO time he had
window operating system sorted out ...---and for the locks ?  ---yes a few hours of study
? ---and ------NO problemo.---The German who designed that system should be put on the
Ha well if you get used to it ? --its NOT that bad.------BUT   for an Amerikan ?  YES it
is Garbage.----I NEVER had such problems with  --Detroit designed doorlocks---EVER.----?
NO never.

I had many cars and I NEVER had door lock problems ---never ---ever ---till I got a
Rabbit. ---now  that is a different kettle of fish ?.--- no ?

Do I Hagar NEED help from here ?   no I am a ok ---but I stll listen ---to advise.----But
Doyt   you are in Green Territory ---Jah ? . We do have VW doorlock  experts here ----I
have to admit ---I do not know who they are ---at the top of my head.
But I am sure they will come forward. ? ---eh ? Ja  ?.

Hagar  .      all locked up .

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