[Vwdiesel] Oil Ratings...

Libbybapa@wmconnect.com Libbybapa at wmconnect.com
Thu Oct 6 10:09:08 EDT 2005

In a message dated 10/6/05 6:56:50 AM US Mountain Standard Time, 
gjwolfe at telus.net writes:

> Would a "higher" more recent rating such as CI be "better" than CD?
The engine oil ratings are progressive, so a CI will meet all of the 
requirements of CH, CG, CF, etc.

> Would a dyno oil rated CI (e.g. Rotella 15w40) be "better" than a synth 
> rated CF?

Quite possibly, yes, although I have heard that getting an oil rated is an 
expensive beaurocratic process, and so oils that don't carry a specific rating 
may actually meet the requirements for that rating, but the manufacturers did 
not opt for paying for the process of getting it rated.  So, the CF synth may 
in fact meet the CI rating, but the manufacturers didn't think the cost of 
updating the rating would pay off. 


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