[Vwdiesel] questions about re-using stretched bolts
LBaird119 at aol.com
Tue Oct 11 11:09:33 EDT 2005
>I was wondering how a mechanic might know if the head or rod bolts he has
>have been used and stretched before when using them in an engine
If it's been assembled completely then there has been stretch. If it's
been broken in and retorqued then you can consider them "used." On
rod bolts I've seen a couple claims: That all VW's use them, and that
the diesels don't. It seems the diesels don't use them on the rods.
In conversations with shops, etc. most claim I need to replace the rod
bolts until I reiterate that it's a diesel then there's a pause and "oh, then
you don't need to then."
On reuse... A friend owns his own repair shop. He's reused hundreds
of heads worth of head bolts and has never had one come back or fail.
Not that they can't though. Members here have had them break. They're
usually cheap enough that it's not worth the risk. Now if you own a Ford
Probe it's about $250 just for the head bolts! He definitely reused those!
> >I'd also like to know if one has known used bolts, can heat treasting make
> >them as good as new again to be re-stretched? I'm thinking of the process
> >involving heating in an oven to the correct color and then quenching in oil
> >or air and then reheating to temper.
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