[Vwdiesel] Fuel 101 --( for archives ).

Area31 Research Facility stephensrw at stn.net
Fri Oct 14 22:25:34 EDT 2005

> Congrats Bob. Now that the weather is cooling off, I find a half hour of
> block heater in the morning will give a summer start on 50/50
> However, no doubt I have to face winter, and either bite the bullet and go
> straight diesel, or install the dual system.
> I have the valve and an outboard motor tank, so all I need is the ambition
> to do it.
> Sandy


With that outboard motor tank you gave me an idea.  Why not just hang a
diesel ouitboard motor off the back of the car and use veggie in that
engine.  For regular diesel light a fire in the VW diersel!  Simple dual
fuel system and easy to attach to the next car as you move on.  ;)


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