[Vwdiesel] Fuel 101 --( for archives ).

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Oct 16 22:41:47 EDT 2005

----- Original Message -----
From: "H . Hagar." <h_hagar at prcn.org>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2005 4:48 PM
Subject: Fuel 101 --( for archives ).

> IIRC, the bulletin I have is dated 1989.
> Worst fuel I ever bought was in Utah, on the way back from Arizona.  It
> barely ran.  the 1.6 na was heating, gutless, and laid a black smoke trail
> you could cut with an axe.
> There were lots of reasons for pumps to die then it seems.
> -James
> Hagar sez :   My experience was identical  ---at the time I was worried I had engine
> troubles.  After a stomach pump out-- and she was fed some GOOD fuel --all was sweet
> sounding  ---a really happy diesel sound.---Heard ones will never be mistaken.---And how
> to miss the SMOKE ?.---that is not possible.
> 1989   and the price gap on diesel fuel in Kanada ?  yes it was substantial --still is.
> Same distillate is sold here as Furnace Oil  (cheapest)  Marked diesels for machinery
> off road use ----------TAXED a lot less than  Highway skylarking fuel.---that is what
> the Rabbit so popular in this area. Enter Latex Paint
> ?--------------------------------what to do with all those solvents ?   ---lets  put
> in Furnace Oil.---. They burn and there is no Cetane number problems. ---Rabbit owners
> committing TAX fraud ?  ----are you kidding ?.---Of cause not.
> Is  Volkswagen going to honor guarantee ?  ---how could they ?  ---absurd. ----VW gave
> the finest IMHO  injection system in the world. ---And it fails ? ---NEVER IMHO.----
> Volkswagen said  # 2 Diesel and minimum 55 Cetane ? ---so there you go.-----Lorens idea
> WINTER ? is a slight hoar frost on them Apples.   ---For winter go to Alaska or James
> Hansen land.----- I cut my baby teeth in Sandy Cameron land ----and am I ready or what
> ? ---I have a tank of  Ethylene Oxide downstairs   ----look up the auto ignition
> temperature for that.-----A whiff of that and Bunny Bondo will start at 100 degrees
> zero.---BUT for extreme cold  get a 05L     Ether . and a Falcon 5 cc pipette. Then
> in pump. NA only.
> Can Hagar start a Diesel at 100 below ?  ----any bets ?   ----BUT it is not a Slam Dunk
> a cake walk ---trust me.
> Newbies are going to have problems (soon)  when the frost is on the Pumpkins.---trust
> me.---yieks I have to go Trick or Treat with the two sisters soon ? ---horrible
> thought.Last year I was Bat Man ----This time I want to be " Thor "..----got the big
> hammer ready. (hitting the door will shake out the cookie jar.)?.---yes.
> Hagar.
> http://www.google.com/search?hl=da&q=trick+or+treat&btnG=Google-s%C3%B8gning&lr=
> PS : I will Never ruin the FUN for your kids --trust me.

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