[Vwdiesel] temp gage

Libbybapa@wmconnect.com Libbybapa at wmconnect.com
Mon Oct 17 20:49:00 EDT 2005

In a message dated 10/17/05 5:41:12 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 
scameron at compmore.net writes:

> Manifested as guage showing lower temps in hot weather, and higher in 
> winter.

Actually, I had an '86 n/a jetta whose temp gauge would read a good solid 1/4 
higher on the gauge if the running lights or headlights were on.  While 
driving if you turned the lights on you could watch the needle rise, and would 
similarly drop when the lights were turned off.  It was especially noticeable on 
highway driving at constant speeds.  It had nothing to do with the heater or 

I figured it was a ground and never got around to trying to fix it.  Before 
realising that the temp was headlight related, I did "fix" quite a few items in 
the cooling system without helping the "overheating".  :-(
All of my testdrives were at night.  :-(


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