[Vwdiesel] Coolant Leak at Cylinder Head Flange-Day 2

Shawn Wright swright at zuiko.sls.bc.ca
Tue Oct 18 10:09:05 EDT 2005

Part # 068121145K for the flange. 037121687 for the 'sealing washer', 
which appears to be an o-ring of size 36x3.15mm. I think most now use a 
flat gasket - the full gasket set for my TD came with one. Or just use RTV.
This is a very common flange, used on many diesel engines, so it should 
be easy to find - for example my '85 Jetta uses the same one. The gas 
version would also fit, but lacks the coolant sensor hole.

On 17 Oct 2005 at 22:29, David O'Shea <DOShea at geomatrix.com> wrote:

> Many thanks to folks who responded to my questions regarding my leaky coolant
> flange. I stopped by the hardware store on the way home this evening and picked
> up some pipe thread compound. I again figured on a quick fix. No such luck. A
> couple of folks suggested that the flange itself might well be the culprit. They
> were right. When I removed the flange for the second time in 2 days, I noticed
> the crack. I appled a little pressure to the flange and the tab on the leaky
> side snapped off. Great. It looks like metal fatigue to my untrained eye and
> probably got larger from my removal and reinstallation. The Coolant temperature
> sender terminal is bent, as if the whole piece with sender installed had been
> dropped at some time although I don't think that would necessarily be related to
> this crack.
> Anyone have access a parts catalog and know what the part numbers for this
> flange and it's associated gasket are? The only number I see on the flange
> appears to be "868L", not a typical part number. I've found that having the part
> number in hand really speeds things up at my local VW Dealer's parts counter.
> When I called them up to inquire about the gasket I'd need back on Day 1, they
> told me it was "NLA" or no longer available so I don't hold much hope for
> getting the flange through them, but it's worth a try.
> Anyone out there have any suggestions for an online source for this part new or
> used if I strike out at the dealer?
> Thanks in advance,
> -Dave O.

Shawn Wright
'85 Jetta D 
'88 Westy 1.6TD 5 speed
 (see progress at http://members.shaw.ca/vwdiesels)
'82 Diesel Westy

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