[Vwdiesel] Shock opinions

Shawn Wright swright at zuiko.sls.bc.ca
Tue Oct 18 10:30:18 EDT 2005

Where do you find springs that cheap? Are they OEM or aftermarket? I'd considered 
replacing springs, but could not find anything less than about $75 each.

On 18 Oct 2005 at 2:31, LBaird119 at aol.com <LBaird119 at aol.com> wrote:

>   Now hold it.  You want safety, want the car to sit basically level, 
> don't want to spend money yet you're looking at Bilsteins (long term 
> investment, but spendy.)  Soft springs will still be soft.  Handling will 
> be less, rear wheel traction will be less, sag will be more and although 
> the car shouldn't swash, it will still sway more with less resistance.  
>   Dude, I can get you a set of new springs for about $50 + shipping.  
> That's only the price of 1 Boge or 1 1/4 KYB.  :-)  (long term investment 
> and cheap)
>      Loren
> In a message dated 10/17/2005 8:20:41 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
> swright at zuiko.sls.bc.ca writes:
> > I know my springs are probably too soft, but I think that some good stiff gas
> > shocks and new rubber bumpers will at least keep the trunk off the ground. If
> > not, then I'll add some rubber doughnuts to prop it up a bit... anything to
> > avoid spending money on springs! The last time I spent really money on
> > suspension gear (Boge Pro Gas and TT springs in my '82 Scirocco) the car ended
> > up in nose first in the ditch soon afterward... and not *me* driving either!
> > So I want to spend just enough to make the car handle safely, without making
> > it seem invincible. I still cringe every time I pass that ditch... I've heard
> > so many good things about Bilsteins that it's time I tried them I think.
> > 
> > 
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Shawn Wright
'85 Jetta D 
'88 Westy 1.6TD 5 speed
 (see progress at http://members.shaw.ca/vwdiesels)
'82 Diesel Westy

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