[Vwdiesel] Cyl head issues

Libbybapa@wmconnect.com Libbybapa at wmconnect.com
Tue Oct 18 10:54:48 EDT 2005

In a message dated 10/18/05 6:42:07 AM US Mountain Standard Time, 
persistantwriter at yahoo.ca writes:

> The insert which James is describing is already available frome Fastenal 
> http://www.fastenal.com/web/products.ex?Ne=999600186&fxfst=0&
> N=999600186+4294967278 Their picture does not show the rods which are driven down through the 
> outside threads to lock the insert in place.  The advantage of the EZ-Lock 
> over heli coils is that EZ-lock uses standard or metric  taps while you need to 
> purchase the specific heli-coil taps.  

Couldn't you put the piston at TDC, fill the bottom of the hole with thick 
grease, grease the tap, 1/4 turn, back it out, clean it, grease it, 1/4 turn 
more, back it out, clean it, regrease it, etc...  If the tap gets close to 
bottoming out, grind down the tip some.  When finished, carefully clean out the 
grease from the bottom of the hole.  If done carefully, the head would not need to 
be removed.


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