[Vwdiesel] A1 commodities markets

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue Oct 18 12:07:01 EDT 2005

o, I guess either wish him lousy luck in starting it or great luck in
driving it.
made a lot of dumb mistakes learning to work on that car and it's been
parked for 8 years.

Hagar sez ---:   please let us know his age   and keep us posted on how the trip goes ?.Ja

Indiana to Dallas Texas ?  ---that should be a nice little test drive. ---?  Ja ?.  ---You
and Rolf makes me look like a fairly good -Non mechanic  Rabbit DIY fixer.----give your
dad Lorens phone number or mine if you like.-------make sure he carry a Bentley on the
trip. And make him read ALL threads from Val Christian ---he has owned Rabbits from day
one. ---And a bit of WISDOM from Hagar ---tell him NOT to drive after dark.


PS :   I Hagar wish him great luck ---and say make sure it is FUN.----

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