[Vwdiesel] Adjustable voltage regulator

Sandy Cameron scameron at compmore.net
Sat Oct 22 13:18:59 EDT 2005

At 11:46 PM 10/21/05 +0100, you wrote:
>Does anyone use an adjustable regulator on the 90 amp alternator?  Heard
they are available aftermarket. Can adjust idle to nearly 13.8 volts. My
airconditioned camper pickup uses a battery isolator and dual batteries for
cabin accessories. Who might sell this adjustable regulator?  Milton.

Milt, here's a system that looks good (not mine, no take, all usual


They have several types, and all look professional. And reasonable prices.

The one for the 90 amp alt is a drop-in replacement for the stock item. only
a screwdriver needed.
Some of the new trick batteries with special plate compounds and structures
need a higher charging voltage (Optima?) and just won't work with the old
fixed, internal regulators.

I have always liked to control all the operating parameters of my cars from
the drivers seat,
(Remember being able to adjust the main jet on the Model A ford on the run?)
Anyone who has flown pistion engine planes knows all about it.

A dashboard voltmeter and  regulator set pot are a wonderful thing,
especially for mobile ham radio operators and people who live in the sub-arctic.

I always thought the voltmeter supplied as a standard instrument in newer
cars forstered a sense of frustration and helplessness (as you watched your
battery go dead in front of you)

My bikes all had voltmeters, except for the 48 Indian. It had a voltage
adjuster, called a 3rd brush in the generator...NOT an on-the-fly adjustment.


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