[Vwdiesel] New head gasket

LBaird119@aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Tue Oct 25 11:25:17 EDT 2005

  MB uses them quite a bit.  They're simply a booster pump for the heater 
and an after-run for the turbo on those.  Audi has a cooling fan that blows 
on the intake manifold and injectors.  Not sure about a water pump.  (I 
usually hear about these things when visiting a friend's shop while he's 
replacing one of the new-fangled items!)  ;-)

In a message dated 10/25/2005 6:36:07 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
Libbybapa at wmconnect.com writes:

> A common issue I hear talked about with the TD vanagons is high oil temps.  
> I would like to investigate it further.  On the stock 1.6TD vanagon a 
> thermostatically controlled auxiliary waterpump was installed.  Does anyone know 
> what other models had a similar unit?  I know I have heard of them on volvo or 
> audi.  Also, does the aux pump just increase flow through the whole coolant 
> system, or does it change any flow direction?

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