[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 233 ---( in Honor of Rosa Parks ).

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue Oct 25 11:38:45 EDT 2005

She just died.--RIP   Rosa.    (  1903 - 2005 ).

Hagar is stretching the envelope " OT " --But I have to do it.--or die.

Rosa was black  and she refused to give up her seat in the FRONT of the bus to a white
man. In 1955.

If you take a maggot and soak it in bleach for a week , it will be almost as WHITE as
Hagar.-- my first fantastic summer in Great Amerika was 1954---when I attended school in
Bainbridge Georgia.

DIY fanatic Hagar decides to change the flathead V8 in his 1942 Ford.--( nice car she
was )  light metallic blue -just like Bunny Bondo. ----School was some distance from the
Sears store.---I decided to use the Bus. Very few passengers --so I looked around for a
good seat.  Way in the back was a side to side bench seat.---Without blinking an eye I
trotted (strutted according to Louanne)  to the back. Driver was white but he said
nothing.There was two very fat black ladies sitting there --but there was lots of room for
a skinny Dane.
The real point of this tale ?  ---well things are more civilized today aren't they ?  The
expression on the face of those two Aunt Jemaimas --has stayed with me all these
ears.  --And today I finally got the explanation.  " SEGREGATION " by color of
skin.------try that one out in scanderhoovia --and see what happens.---In a Public Bus

Like Kennedy at the Wall saying  " ich bein einer Berliner "  Hagar would have  strutted
to the office of the Bus Company  and said "  I am a Blackie ".---that is --if he had
known. The Bus was cheap clean and on time.---Good service.


PS :   Eulogy finished.

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