[Vwdiesel] Opening Alternator Case

Libbybapa@wmconnect.com Libbybapa at wmconnect.com
Thu Oct 27 11:22:50 EDT 2005

In a message dated 10/27/05 4:40:20 AM US Mountain Standard Time, 
val at mongobird.com writes:

> Your friends are heat, and mechanical shock.

I recently got a VNT-15 turbo from a TDi.  I plan on installing it on a 1.6TD 
vanagon.  I had to dismantle it in order to reindex the center cartridge to 
drain properly in the 50° layout of the vanagon.  I was able to get the five 
center cartridge to turbine housing bolts loose, but getting the seam undone was 
a true test of patience.  Over the course of about a week I spent probably a 
total of 8 hours on the thing.  I soaked the seam with penetrant.  I soaked 
the inside of the turbo with penetrant, I tapped, I heated, I tapped, I filled 
the turbine housing with penetrant, I heated, I tapped, I spent lots of time 
cutting the seam with a utility blade.  I tapped, I pounded, I cursed, I heated, 
I tapped, I cursed.  I did finally get the seam apart with a 15+ minute 
heating of the turbine housing (voluminous amounts of smoke from all the penetrant 
cooking off) and tapping with a mini sledge and punch.  It worked and nothing 
got broken, but in those situations, patience is key, along with heat and 
shock.  If there is an end to get the two nuts on, then put the two nuts on so the 
last one does not allow any thread to protrude, and tap with the hammer 
squarely on that end.  As Val said, mechanical shock at the screw head will do 
almost nothing.  Cheers.


P.S.  To follow the progress of the VNT on a vanagon, see

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