[Vwdiesel] Oil question

David Cook vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 27 14:45:34 EDT 2005

I bought a small trickle charger at Wal-Mart that
tucked in right next to the battery.  In addition to
keeping the charge up, it served to help warm the
battery (according to the box).

I bought a small extension cord with a multiple plug
end and stuck that through the grill, with the block
heater and charger attached.  (that way, only one plug
protruded through the grill)

Worked very nicely.


--- "Doyt W. Echelberger" <doyt at buckeye-express.com>

> I have equipped all my diesels with a freeze plug
> electric block heater, 
> which takes up a huge amount of slack in the low
> temperature starting 
> activity. A few hours of block heater lets it kick
> over most of the Ohio 
> winter. Level two is to combine the block heater
> with a drop light snugged 
> up to a side of the battery, to keep the electrolyte
> warm. On the coldest 
> night, at ten below zero, I drape a blanket and tarp
> over the engine 
> compartment to help keep the heat from the
> electrical devices focused where 
> it will help.
> Level three is in addition to the heaters......drain
> the oil, take it 
> inside and heat it in the sink by running hot water
> in a basin containing 
> the oil bucket. Level three also requires that the
> battery be brought 
> inside overnight and taken out and put in the car
> when it needs to be 
> cranked over, after the warmed oil has been returned
> to the engine.
> Doyt
>  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> At 07:39 PM 10/26/2005, you wrote:
> >I know not another oil thread, just was wondering
> if I should move to a
> >10w-30 oil from the 15w-40 for the winter? The temp
> here can get down into
> >the teens F but not very often and not for long,
> maybe a weeks worth and
> >that is it. Mostly it gets into the 20's to 30's
> with highs anywhere from
> >the 30's to 50's. Heck one Feb it hit 70 F and it
> was on the one day out of
> >my life that I was at the ski slopes here in
> NC,(small 5,000 ft high hills)
> >and all the snow was melting.
> >
> >So far from my re-ring after the broken new ring
> circus the engine is doing
> >well and is not using much oil. It has around 6k on
> it now.
> >Nick
> >
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David Cook
Red '86 Cabriolet Diesel Powered
Red '90 g60 Corrado 
Brown and White '78 Westy Campmobile "Bear"
and others in various states of disrepair
Pictures here: community.webshots.com/user/superdave5599

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