[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 234 ---( Hagar the impostor ).
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu Oct 27 20:45:43 EDT 2005
After running all your postings through my brain and allowing them to
Doyt Echelberger
Hagar likes FERMENT or here it is more like FESTER----I flunked English 101 as you all
know ---so manipulating the language is of great pride to me ---when I do it right.
Monkey see Monkey do ? Ja ?
So I like the great orators like Winston and so on.
So when you see a good --and I mean REALLY good TUNER ? copy him ? why not ----you
want that Rabbit to hop ? or don't you ?.
There is no posting that I do not read--period. ---YES then I let them percolate --and
sooner or later --BINGO.-----I happen to be a Doyt Echelberger student ---so of course
when he say , anything ? I am all ears.
Yes I am a nuts and bolts type ? --BUT what did I really want to be ? ---a real down to
earth bloody good human being --NO more NO less.----and by Christ I worked at it.
BUT it is difficult ----very difficult ---self interest get in the way. ?. ----
Impostor ? read about the Kopenik affair --and you know what I am talking about.
"Koepenik Affair " ?---Kaptain of Koepenik ? NO I did NOT copy him --I was a
natural.-----and I DO mean a natural.
Hagar .
PS : But did you ever see me pretend to be a mechanic ?.---NEVER .
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