[Vwdiesel] Timer options

Libbybapa@wmconnect.com Libbybapa at wmconnect.com
Fri Oct 28 00:50:36 EDT 2005

In a message dated 10/27/05 8:28:09 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 
jhsg at sasktel.net writes:

> Ever forget to turn it on Andrew?

The car I used it on would start down to 10°F.  I can't say I never forgot.  
I don't remember ever forgetting :-), but it wouldn't have been a big deal if 
I did, as below that is rare here.  I know I never missed work because the 
diesel wouldn't start due to cold.  I do see -20°F in the morning here a couple 
times a year, but it heats up quickly when the sun comes up.  I ran last winter 
without a block heater at all, but in the single digits is a coupla glows and 
when it idles shakey an off and then back on.  The block heater is in the 
garage on a shelf.  I just said to my wife yesterday that I need to get it 
installed and work out a way to plug it in easily.


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