[Vwdiesel] Instrumentation (diesel or otherwise)

David Cook vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 30 15:33:47 EST 2005

I figured you were making some new gauge pod or
something like that.  Sounds like you will have extra
fun finding the gauges you want that will fit in those

And I can't take credit for the pictures, that wasn't
my site.  Just passing along info.


--- Mark Shepherd <mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk> wrote:

> Here's a pic of my standard (UK) issue diesel
> instrument cluster. (Note we
> don't need an upshift indicator) maybe we know how
> to use a shifter
> better... [as if...]
> Note the fuel and the water temp/oil pressure light
> gauges in the middle of
> the cluster. Big clock with no gauges standard on
> diesel and on early
> basic model gasser 'Quantae' . Luxury gassers gained
> rev counter with 2
> gauge slots allowing for digital clock and upshift/
> economy driving in the
> middle. By the mid 80's, the economy gauge
> disappeared and coolant moved
> out of rev counter leaving only fuel in the rev
> counter. The export issueof
> diesel rev counter never appeared here AFAIK.
> However I have one and it has
> the 2 slots for gauges like the afore-mentioned
> early gassers. I will be
> abandoning the digital clock option when I remove
> the analogue clock....
> Phew was that a little longwinded?
> By the way the rev counter you see in the
> 'foreground' is the one I found
> in a lorry. It was a six cylinder engine; but the
> alternator output must
> have coincided with our  TDs.crank-brush-pulley
> ratio. It is also a little
> short on the range with FSD reached at about 90mph.
> (I usually travel at
> about 70 on the highway anyway) Its normally near
> the shifter but I put it
> into the photo to a... to a... to a... Oh I dunno...
> to photograph it...
> Great drawings David... Strange thing is that some
> of my Quantae have heat
> out of the door vents and cold out of the middle and
> some have it the other
> way round!
> Miser
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David Cook
Red '86 Cabriolet Diesel Powered
Red '90 g60 Corrado 
Brown and White '78 Westy Campmobile "Bear"
and others in various states of disrepair
Pictures here: community.webshots.com/user/superdave5599

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