[Vwdiesel] turning loose the Rabbit

Doyt W. Echelberger doyt at buckeye-express.com
Fri Sep 2 18:23:32 EDT 2005

At 02:21 PM 9/2/2005, you wrote:
>I was just in Ohio last month- New Philadelphia- My wife people live
>there.  I'm glad I live out west!  The humidity and humanity is a bit
>overwhelming for me!
>Have you thought about putting your car on Ebay?  You have to pay them
>the percentage but if you really want to get top dollar.....
>Chuck Carnohan
That was where my thoughts were headed when I read your reply above. I 
checked Ebay and there are 3 or 4 older Rabbits on there now and the bids 
are twice what I thought they would be. So, I guess my old Rabbit has value 
and is not the worst being offered right now.

Never put anything up on that board, so I'll dig into the details.....

Thanks for talking to me.


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