[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 199 ---( Shooting Looters in New Orleans ? )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon Sep 5 11:26:24 EDT 2005

Hagar the fastest gun in the EAST.-----I think some of you guys got me wrong.

Here is one of my favorite Gun tales. :    I became a Gun lover   in about  1937. --- Then
in may 1945 suddenly I had all the guns of the world to play with.      I walked around
with a Walter P-38   and my pockets full of ammo. (wouldn't you like to play with a 37mm
Cannon in a JU-88 ??)

On to the tale ---Ja ---When I got Annabelle   Landrover 109  she had a gunrack in the
cab.----and I had a 303 Lee Enfield ---"Sporty"  with scope  ---clearly visible to any
body following us.  ---NO one ever honked the horn  ----take the gun down --lots of
honking --put the gun back up NO NOT a PEEP. ? ---------a GUN does command respect ---My
Amerikan friends let me say that Kanada has the most Draconian Gun law in the world
IMHO.---I have the complete act here in front of me.---stupidity from front to back.
A Kanadian Liberal boondoggle.---I better stop before I blow a fuse.

Now for Diesel content  ----my experiment was a total flop so far --I was going to use the
cylinder-head and the block as a thermo couple.  --to keep an eye on temp.---I am going to
epoxy glue a thermo couple  to cylinder-head --that will work.---I like moving coil
instruments----and I have some very small super sensitive movements here (military
surplus) ---sensitivity of meters are rated in Watts. --the lower the watt the better the
instrument. Modern jeweled meters are down to milli-Watts full scale. --are they cheap ?
yes the military ones are ---WHY ?  because they  glow in the dark.

If you see a meter marked 0 to 50  micro Amps ?  ----jep it will work. Let the FUN begin.

Hagar. ----the nut-case EXPERIMENTER.

PS :   The mayor of New Orleans is correct  --he issued a MANDATORY  ---get out  --It was
made public before the chit hit the fan.---BUT he did NOT provide transportation and an
alternate accommodation.

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