[Vwdiesel] Why #3

Chris Geiser cfgmail at direcway.com
Wed Sep 7 21:08:37 EDT 2005

"I have heard from one other individual on the diesel vanagon list that says

that rod big end fasteners coming undone is not uncommon."

I haven't found too many things on my vanagon that HAVEN'T rattled loose.
So much vibration in that vehicle...

I too have noticed that it's very rare to see a vanagon diesel ad in which
the van hasn't tossed a rod at one time.  I must be less inquisitive in that
I've never asked which one.  
I would think it the direction of over-reving rather than lugging as the
issue.  These things are geared so low you get a huge right arm from
shifting on starting off ('cept maybe in Europe it's a huge LEFT arm).  On
the highway it feels like there should be two more gears above 4th.  Put
your diesel car in 3rd gear and drive down the highway - that's what the
vanagon engine is doing.
The other issue to consider is that the engine is buried way in back - early
warning signs readily apparent on cars probably aren't detected on these as
quick.  Neither of these explains why #3, but those are main differences
between cars and vanagons (other than the size mentioned already)which
should be considered...


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