[Vwdiesel] Fuel 101 for beginners ----( Liposuction ? )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Thu Sep 15 14:36:28 EDT 2005

> Great! Siphoning gas will be a thing of the past, now fat people are gonna
> fear being assaulted on the street in drive-by liposuction attacks.

Hagar  got hitched to a FAT woman ---any regrets about her being FAT  ?  --never.

She would be good for a couple of fill-ups.

Fat Cats ?  yeah OK ..  But I like to state that a Rabbit will run on ANY FAT---from Fish
from Fowl from People --from Animals---  BUT I like those BIG Danish Landrace
 Porkers ---Bacon Fat

BUT   lets focus on Plant fuel ---Like James Hansens Canola oil.   -----Are Rabbits not
vegetarians ?

Then again that Liposuction  --appeals to me ---Hagar would like to be the first to drive
around the block ---on FAT lady Fuel.--after all she is still alive ? and happy to loose
it ?. I tried hard to be allowed as a speaker at the local Weight Watchers meeting --they
refused me. --I was going to  say that living with a Fat woman --can be a total joy.--NOT
a hardship.


PS  ---: Hagar loves them all the skinny the fat and the tall.---the scumbag who wrote the
song "She's too fat for me "---should be smothered to death by fat ladies. IMHO.

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