[Vwdiesel] injectors
James Hansen
jhsg at sasktel.net
Fri Sep 16 01:15:08 EDT 2005
But then isn't there the aspect of multi puls injection where the pressure
rise is actually slower and more even thus much less rattle. That's the
big factor in the newer diesels being quieter as far as I knew.
Yep. But I think a big factor in the hyper efficiency of multistage
injection over single stage comes from lighting the fire earlier with a
little puff to get the surroundings so much hotter than they normally would
be if it was all injected in one giant cloud. Sort of a steady burn versus
a big POOF. I think that this is the biggest contribution of propane
fumigation as well- the propane having a much lower flash point and being
present with induction, lights off before the injection event, and prewarms
the surroundings.
And yeah, they are much much quieter when you compare a single and
multistage direct injection engine. The current offering by Cummins in OTR
trucks is staggering in how quiet the motor is as it pulls up a grade. Just
exhaust note and turbo drowns out any engine noise, very much different from
trucks fifteen years ago, and same basic motor, just controls and injection
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