[Vwdiesel] Hillbilly Tuning ---( a friendly discussion )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Sep 16 12:06:01 EDT 2005

> I move the pumps like crazy --so I never bothered with backtracking to the
> dial indicator.
> BUT --I can say this --I run the pump on Bunny Bondo as far retarded as
> possible.--Half a
> pencil line further and she takes up smoking --eh making fog on startup

  But if you NOW check what the dial indicator shows then you'll be able
to set it right back up after a timing belt change and it might give a little

insight as to how far in which way it took to get you where you like it.
Would be a starting point for others as well.

Hagars bit :     Loren using Bunny Bondos  numbers on anybody but her --would be TIMING.
not---------------TUNING.----every  --little darling has her own numbers ---like finding a
woman's button.--did I find the MAGIC button --on the two unusual  (crazy) sisters ?  that
is affirmative. NO flowers try a bag of Cat chow.

This is mainly for NEWBIES  so let me start by saying  check under
Phantasmagoria.--Injector pumps- ----- Hillbilly  TUNING timing etc etc. Reading Loren as
well----IMHO  all good classes -start with getting a foot in the door.---Get by Loren and
you will be Smileaging in to the sunset.---The filling stations going by in a blur.--( and
wearing out the front bearings in no time ).

A newbies worst nightmares ?  --Towtrucks and Stealerships. ---have no fear  Hagar is

Damage to pump and melting of pistons will NEVER happen under  "Hillbilly Tuning"---you
have my personal guarantee.----No dial indicator required  --but handy. --- If  TUNING is
so great why does the Mechanics not use it ???? good question  --(some use parts of
t)  ---too time consuming for a shop to do.

IF you do not find HILLBILLY TUNING on that Old Rabbit or Jetta --FUN ? --do not
start---it is   --------addictive to experimenters.
Why so much talk about Luke and Harry --and Princess Lea  ? ---the spirit the force that's

About getting the pump back to starting point ? --if you are stuck ?  --remember that fine
line we made --with a needle ---works just like the lines on your machinist
caliber.---piece of Apple Pie.
The starting point is ALL timing marks, the VW and Bosch marks lined up.be fuzzy.

That was clear as mud ---scribe a line before you do pump.   I did not mention too much
about PO screwups ----that is why I ignore all previous TIMING.----beware of PO nonsense.


PS :   changing timing belt was never simpler.

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