[Vwdiesel] need'a engine

Matthew mpteleski at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 16 12:43:33 EDT 2005

hi there folks, 

this is my first posting here, but have been on other
vw diesel lists for a long time.

I am looking for a complete TDI engine (code AHU) from
~1995-1999.5 for a transplant into an old tired vw
diesel bus.  I've been looking over wiring diagrams
for months, have seen a few complete transplants and
am now ready to jump in. Anybody got any leads they'd
like to turn me onto? I've done a handful of gas -->
diesel transplants but have all been of the mechanical
variety (1.6TD and 1.9TD aaz).  

I'm also looking for a few vanagon diesel parts. I
have an excess of a few parts so will trade/barter as
you'd like. Email me off list for that stuff.


"Racing with the wind and flirting with death
So have a cup of coffee and catch your breath"

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