[Vwdiesel] Moneybags: News flash

Mark Shepherd mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk
Sat Sep 17 14:48:52 EDT 2005

"but at least I'm not fat. If I was, on top of everything else I'd have to
start worrying about "drive by" lipo attacks.  Later on, Ferg"

This is a news flash...
Man found lying in gutter;
Cause of death unknown.
Strange holes around waist and his skin seems too big for body!
No other clues except small boy saw an old Rabbit driving away and said "It
was belching  black smoke out the back and an erie smell of french fries in
the air"

Police discounted witness as a typical crack-taking juvenile of the area.
They asked if the rabbits name was  Harvey???   ( ;^D)

Yarn spinning Miser

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