[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 218 ---( Poverty opinion from Hagar )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Sep 18 13:46:13 EDT 2005

Katrina put the spotlight on Race and the Have not. in the great USA.---great about time.

NOT one single member in this Forum is  "Poor" in hagars book.   -- NO   --- DIY person
will EVER be poor---NEVER   read my lips.

I came to Amerika from Denmark in  1953  ----and let me tell you guys  Amerika was in bad
shape on Race and have not at the time. ---BUT making great progress. IMHO.---there was
light at the end of the tunnel ---that light soon burned out .--- Does this lead to VW
diesels ?  ---stay TUNED.

Example  :   Strip Hagar bare balls naked and drop him on Highway 101  --in the middle of
the night --is HE POOR ?  ---not at all   no way or crossways ---Remember HE is starting
from scratch. --First he find a plastic bag in the ditch ---(not to be arrested) covering
his pride and JOY.----then he picks up BEER cans 10 cents a piece.-------not long before
HE drives a Rabbit --on Lipo if needed.----A  fanatic DIY is NEVER poor.-----and never
will be . IMHO.--  I shall explain in details about poverty some day ----BUT

I am a DANE  --from the country with a motto " This is the country where few have too
much ---BUT fewer  too little" ----Denmark declared all out war on poverty just like
Amerika ---BUT Denmark won..

Secret Danish weapon ?  ---totally TAX funded education---EVERYWHERE.----for
EVERYBODY-------regardless of color religion sex or age.----Amerika has a 80 year old
grade 3 student ? --that takes the GOLD.----BUT in Denmark he would never have been left
behind. --THAT take the Platinum.


PS :    Hagar firing on all four.

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