[Vwdiesel] Elder Day

HWY9FERGS@cs.com HWY9FERGS at cs.com
Mon Sep 19 16:49:38 EDT 2005

In a message dated 9/19/2005 10:33:01 AM Pacific Daylight Time, Hagar writes: 

> Elder day in this forum ? is Hagar crazy ?  ---always was jepper.
> Funny thing I always had respect for my elders ---Now that I is one ?   
> ---it seems to
> have gone out of style ?.

I doughhead, have a sneaking suspicion that I went over the line and got too 
personal in the Phantasmagoria post, and you took it personally.  I may have 
been out of line, and even though I meant no disrespect, I apologize.  Hagar, 
again I sez, you're the best damn thing going on this list. Shit, It'd be 
pretty dull without you.  Don't think twice!! DBF

PS I'm AARP material myself, just haven't been able to stop working---yet.

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