[Vwdiesel] MPG woohoo

mikitka mikitka at earthlink.net
Wed Sep 21 22:13:13 EDT 2005

I still need the door trim, mine is all messed up from the PO drilling into
it. I think the easiest mod is to open the exhaust. Even if you just cut the
bottom bowl and weld in a new 2.5" pipe from there and just have the local
muffler shop bent it according to the old pipe. Something is better than
nothing I think. I feel your pain in getting up and down. I'm only 40 but I
played hard when I was younger, (Power liter) so my knees are not what they
use to be and I have hand tremors. Can't thread a needle to save my life.

Ray, from what I can tell there is no coast feature on our cruise, just set
and accell. It would be nice but I'm not complaining, I'm just glad to have
it. Every once in a while it quits, but a simple turn it off and turn it
back on and reset it works.  I'm happy :)

I will keep updates on the Biodiesel set up. I have four local places to get
the WVO from, all within 4 blocks of the house.  I'm in a small 500
population town. It is my understanding that a 10 micron Goldenrod fuel
filter works well for filtering the WVO some even go as far as to prefilter
it with a 200 micron whole house water filter setup, like Omni or
Whirlpool/GE/Culligan. There is also the Goldenrod water block filter to
help keep water out. Not to expensive at NorthernTool.com

At 09:33 PM 9/21/05 -0400, you wrote:
>Well since I installed the 2.5" down pipe and exhaust system, I finally got
>around to filling up the 91 Jetta TD today. Wanted to get it full before
>prices went back up do to the new storm that is heading for the Gulf.  I
>went 507 miles and it took 10.14 US gallons to fill it up. So that is
>That is up from 46.6 the last tank that was on the restricted exhaust

Congrats..Did you ever get a trim piece for your door? I think I still have
one here in the office. 
I think you have convinced me I should try the phat exhaust system.

I'm going to be implementing a couple of NA's this fall, a 91 for my son,
nearly complete, needs windshield replaced yet. the other is the 87 carat
diesel conversion, now with an NA in it instead of the gas motor. I need to
overhaul the rear calipers, they are too expensive to replace, not to have a
go at overhaul.

I'm getting tired of fixing cars. I like doing the work, but my body
protests more every year (71). I roll out from under, then can't get up off
the creeper. Guess I'll have to get a hoist.....to lift me off the creeper


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