[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 218 ---( Poverty opinion from Hagar )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Sep 24 12:21:56 EDT 2005

You've pushed my button!  ;)

So tell me... What would Denmark do with that 80 year old 3rd grader?

You see, because of Political Correctness here in 'Merica, the teachers
or parents are not allowed to properly 'align' the arrogant little punks
we have here. So what do you do?
Happily puttering along with an house-hold MPG of 45.(both diesel)

Gary Bangs  --- you are on my  --Absolutely MUST read list  ---I should really post the
list to help newbies----

Gary I can not tell you for today ---I was talking ancient history ---last time I was in
Denmark the arrogant little punks were all over the place.  The American  80 year old
grade school student was interviewed by a reporter --the old geezer said that he would go
to classes to the day he dies.----my point was that He was left behind in MY Amerika
? --disappointing.---- Ja ?
Next question what would I do --with the little punks ? ---They would get caned to they
could not sit down for a week.---- They would soon fall in line --just like the kids in my
class in Denmark --boy oh boy after Mr.Andersen was through with you ? ----After Andersen
Hagar never went AWOL   eh played hookie ------went fishing again.---the kid that led me
astray ---refused to bend over after seing my caning---Andersen grabbed him by the back of
the head to get his head between his knees---kid hit the floor and split an eyebrow wide
open --blood all over the place--Then Andersen asked me Hagar to take the kid to the
doctor on the main drag  for some stitching.---Would I ever testify against Andersen
? -NEVER  it was an accident.--And we deserved the caning.

Is that a Kane or a Cane ?---ok bamboo stick.--they did not use a strap on the hands .I am
glad --I use my hands a lot --I can do that standing up.     ALL you teachers out there
you have my sympathy.


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