[Vwdiesel] Rabbits and Rita ---( a pefect union ? I say so )
H . Hagar.
h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Sep 24 15:38:44 EDT 2005
Yes I hagar is watching too much TV ---so I see the mess on I-45 from Galveston to
Dallas.---and a mess it is (was).
If you had a VW diesel with AC ---?---wow cool man COOL. --- Exodus ? --no
roblemo. ----at least not for Hagar.----I read this archive and running out of GAS ?
(fuel) will not be a problem. At one mile an hour ? ---that Hummer in front of you
?---he will run out of gas.-- Limping OUT fuel ? is a new one on me---but am I up to it
--have no fear --- every store --house--station --and what not that has NO GASOLINE
---has fuel to feed a hungry Rabbit------ yes I am a FUEL wizard --at 100 degrees
F ------you can drive on Candles and Lard and Shortening and Lipo. Hagar has a fuel hose
and a marine squeeze bulb and a 4 litre Wine Bottle ---see a farm tractor or a grass
cutter for the highway ? --get some fuel --BUT leave your name so you can pay
later.----US Rabbit DIY fanatics will borrow --BUT we need NOT steal. ---some little
old lady's home heating fuel .We borrow.
To me the most optimistic impressive thing ? was the incredible size of I-45 ----10
lanes going North is NOT good enough ? ---lets make that 9 and one going south. ? --Then
traffic control is the problem.
Under Commandante Hagar --things would REALLY MOVE ---count on it.
NO slowboating ya hear ? --step on the damn thing.--and that is an order. 19 hours
nineteen miles ? ----------that is sick.----makes me Barf.
PS : Newbies read archives. ---and you will NEVER run out of fuel. (anywhere)
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