[Vwdiesel] Decision time...

LBaird119@aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Wed Sep 28 02:30:57 EDT 2005

  Hmmmm.  First off, I wouldn't be running a new engine at those rpm's 
until you got 50 to 100 miles on it and then to run it constantly...  maybe.
  The cranking to start with black smoke could be injectors, the pump 
maybe, air in the pump like you're wondering (but it shouldn't smoke) 
or a worn uptake pump in the IP but that shouldn't smoke either.  
  If it's kind of doggy and gets doggier as you go then could it be the 
wrong head gasket?  Too thin, thus too much compression?  That tends 
to make for slow, smokey starts.  Certainly the cold start advance 
could be affecting the cold starts but not the hot.
  IF it all relates with the vibration as well then look for a bad injector.

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