[Vwdiesel] New interest in diesels (esp veggie powered)

Sandy Cameron scameron at compmore.net
Fri Sep 30 21:16:44 EDT 2005

At 06:23 PM 9/30/05 -0400, Nick wrote:
>Oh my wife also is interested in the Jeep Liberty and get this she wants a
>diesel now that I'm going to start and try to make biodiesel.  Anyone hear
>anything bad about the Liberty diesels?

Funny about wives.

My wife has developed such an interest in my sweet-smelling A3 Jetta, her
Chevy hardly ever leaves the driveway any more.

I took it out last night to go to the store, and the brakes were all crusted
up from sitting. Had to drive it home with the brakes on to polish them up.


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