[Vwdiesel] I think I'm gonna hurl.

jeremy jwchou at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 6 11:28:05 EDT 2006

My first Rabbit was a 1979 model. I bought it used from a coworker just to see
if I like diesel or not. Once I got that little car I got hooked on diesel's
mpg. I used to get 50-55 mpg consistantly, very seldom it went below 50. I
thought that was normal for that little puppy. I had to leave US for few years
so I sold it. Now I have a '81 model. To my surprise it only gets between 35-40
mpg. I didn't think between 1.5 and 1.6 it makes that much of difference but it
did. The current one runs good, no smoke, starts right up etc. It could be my
1.5 was mating with 5 speed and 1.6 is with 4 speed trany, I don't know.
Anyway, 50mpg was what I got. I regret so much I sold that white rabbit...

--- LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:

> And I really hate it when people advertise "50+ mpg!!!!".  I don't think 
> I ever got that with my 1.5 Rabbit, much less a 1.6 A2 Jetta. 
>   Amen!  I sure know I haven't.  Wife DID beat 50mpg in the Rabbit 
> twice on one cross country trip though.  I've beat mid 40's and usually 
> get low to mid 40's but have fun doing it!  :-)
>   Beat 50mpg once or know someone who's sister's friend's brother's 
> best friend did and you can CLAIM 50+mpg as the norm it seems.
>      Loren
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